

TPT helps you to deliver high-quality software and meet all ASPICE requirements.

TPT ASPICE Process Maturity Model

Software Unit Verification

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You can test all kinds of units with TPT and meet SWE.4 requirements in a very efficient and sustainable way.

Whether it?s testing on different test stages, executing in various environments or comparing results throught back-to-back tests - TPT accelerates your unit testing to a maximum.


Software Integration and Integration Test

Your complete toolbox for all challenges related to software integration testing according to SWE.5 is TPT.

It enables time-saving and consistent testing at this point through Assesslets and a well-structured test design.

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Software Qualification Test

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TPT can represent software qualification testing as in SWE.6 in two ways:

  • As a Virtual ECU: using an emulator to abstract hardware-dependent interfaces
  • Connecting the combination of hardware and software to TPT

For hardware integration, TPT offers many integrations with commonly used automotive hardware test bench solutions and additionally supports the open ASAM XIL standard. For simpler control units with pure CAN interfaces, control units can be connected and tested as so-called bench setups with a HW-CAN interface.

System Integration and Integration Test

In SYS.4, testing is predominantly conducted on test benches, using .

With TPT, errors in the system context can be quickly identified. Test cases from previous testing stages can be reused, saving valuable time and resources. Complex hardware test benches are typically used at this stage, and TPT can communicate with all these test benches and automate your tests.

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System Qualification Test

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The fully integrated vehicle with all its software, control units, and sensors is ready and can now be tested in SYS.5. All customer functions and services must operate properly in conjunction.

In addition to automated tests with TPT on the common HiL test benches, the Autotester from TPT provides significant added value by facilitating manual driving maneuvers.

Your Benefits with TPT

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