
SCL Supported OS

For SCL, Synopsys recommends one or more dedicated, single servers in a non-redundant (non-triad) configuration, with the following setup:

  • SCL 2023.09 or SCL 2024.06
    • SCL 2023.03-SP1 is the minimum recommended version
    • SCL 2023.09+ is mandatory only for the AWS cloud and Silicon Frontline customers
    • SCL 2024.06 is mandatory for Imperas and PikeTec customers
  • Recent AMD or Intel x86_64 processor
  • OS: 
    • RHEL, AlmaLinux, or Rock Linux 8.4+ (but not 9.x)
    • CentOS Linux or Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.9
  • Multiple cores (modern CPU with four or more cores)
  • 2 GHz CPU speed or better
  • 32GB Minimum RAM; 64-256GB for Enterprise Servers
  • 10Gbps Ethernet card & switch
  • ext3 or ext4 filesystem
  • Adequate file descriptors (65535 or higher)
  • For WAN servers, a physical machine is recommended  


  • Certain other OS platforms are supported (see table below), but are recommended only for LAN servers with small quantities of licenses
  • Docker, Singularity, and other containers are not compatible with SCL
  • Redundant server setups are not recommended
    • If used, they should be used only on LANs
    • If used, the PRIMARY_IS_MASTER keyword should be added to the end
      of the SERVER line denoting the master server        
    • Redundant server setups are not supported on the cloud
    • Redundant server setups are not supported `over a WAN

Supported SCL Platforms by Operating System & Platform Keyword
For a list of Operating Systems supported by SCL, see the table below:

Synopsys Common Licensing Supported Platforms by OS & Keyword
Platform Operating System Platform Keyword
(use for downloading & installation)
x86_64 CentOS or RHEL Linux 7.3, 7.6, 7.9
AlmaLinux, RHEL Linux or Rocky Linux 8.x (8.4+)
Note: Migrate off CentOS/RHEL 7.x
x86_64 SUSE Linux Enterprise 12 SP5
SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP2+
suse64 (64-bit)
x86_64 Windows Server 2019, 2022
Windows OS 10, 11
CentOS or RHEL 7.6, 7.9
AlmaLinux, RHEL Linux or Rocky Linux 8.x (8.4+)


  • Synopsys builds its products on a selected "base" version of each operating system.
  • Operating system vendors guarantee that applications compiled on a lower minor version of an operating system will be binary-compatible with higher minor versions of the same operating system. This means that an application supported on OS version X.Y should run on OS version X.Z. For example, a tool supported on CentOS or RHEL 7.3 should also run on CentOS or RHEL 7.9.
  • Synopsys relies on the OS vendors' binary compatibility claim and supports running higher minor versions.

More Information:

For a list of vendor daemons incorporated into SCL, click here.