
Features & Benefits

?? ? ???

Accurate, Efficient Results Using Fewer Beamlets

?? ????? ??? ?? ??

Unprecedented Ease of Use

?? ???

Flexibility and Control

???? ?? ??

Accurate Target icon | Synopsys
Solve Problems icon | Synopsys
Flexibility icon | Synopsys

BSP? ?? ?? ????? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ??? ???. BSP? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ?????? ? ??? ??? ?????. 

BSP? ???? ???? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ? ????. ?? ?? ??? ??? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?? ???? ????? ??? ?? ?? ??? ?????.

BSP? ???? ?? ???? ??? ????? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ??? ???? ?? ????, ??? ? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?????. 

Easily Visualize and Understand Results

???? ?? ?? ???

Applicability to a Wide Range of Systems

??? ???? ?? ??

Fully Integrated

?? ? ??? ??

Visualize icon | Synopsys
Applications icon | Synopsys
Integrated icon | Synopsys

BSP? ???? ?? ??? ??????.

BSP? astigmatic beam? ??? ????? non-contiguous pupil? ?? ???? ????? ??? ??? ???? ?????. ?? BSP? ???? ??? ? ????. 

BSP ??? ?? ?? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ????. BSP? CODE V? ????? ???? ????. 

Model Effects of Mid-Spatial Frequency Errors

?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ??

Model icon | Synopsys

CODE V? ?? ???? ?? ?? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ???? ?? ??? ??? ?????. 

CODE V Beam Synthesis Propagation, Software Screenshot | Synopsys

Explore BSP Features

BSP ?? ????

CODE V BSP? ??? ???? ??? ??? ?? ??? ?????? ??????  

More Information