
Free Access to RISC-V Reference Design

Synopsys Cloud combines the availability of advanced computing and storage infrastructure with access to unlimited EDA software licenses on demand so you can focus on what you do best ¨C design chips faster.


  • RISC-V based sub-system reference design using rocket-core with Synopsys LPDDR and UART IP
  • Access to industry-leading?Synopsys VCS? simulation and Synopsys Verdi? debug?
  • Synopsys Cloud SaaS platform providing access to complete chip design environment?

In addition, you can request access to:

  • Free custom Synopsys Cloud evaluation for your engineering team
  • Bring your own RISC-V design and utilize complete RISC-V solutions offered on Synopsys Cloud
  • Improve design and verification Time-to-Results by 40%

Start Your RISC-V Verification