
VC Verification IP for ToggleNAND

Synopsys? VC Verification IP for ToggleNAND provides a comprehensive set of protocol, methodology, verification and productivity features, enabling users to achieve accelerated verification closure of ToggleNAND designs.

Verification IP for ToggleNAND


? Native SystemVerilog/UVM test bench
? Runs natively on all major simulators
? Runtime JEDEC and vendor part selection
? Protocol and timing checks
? Built-in coverage model
? Error injection and timing exceptions
? Verdi protocol-aware debug
? Trace files and debug ports
? Configuration creator GUI

Key Features

? Supports ToggleNAND 2.0 and ToggleNAND 3.0
? Discovery and Initialization
? All basic operation commands
? All extended operation commands
? All interleaving operation commands
? Advanced Configuration: Powerful runtime
constrained random configuration
? Support run time frequency change
? Passive monitor support
? Access to internal states of the model
? Analysis port for scoreboarding
? Configurable number of
    ¨C Targets
    ¨C LUNs per Target
    ¨C Blocks per LUN
    ¨C Pages per Block
    ¨C Bytes per Page