
Industry Publications

RSoft Photonic Device Tools


Kelsey Wooley, Andrew M. C. Dawes, Zhixin Wang, Maryvonne Chalony, Harun Solak, Lawrence S. Melvin, "," Proc. SPIE PC12913, Optical Architectures for Displays and Sensing in Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality (AR, VR, MR) V, PC129130R (13 March 2024).


A. S¨¢nchez-Postigo, C. Graham-Scott and C. Schuck, ," 2023 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Bucharest, Romania, 2023.


Jeremy Goodsell, Pei Xiong, Daniel K. Nikolov, A. Nick. Vamivakas, and Jannick P. Rolland, "" Opt. Express 31, 4599-4614

Kalliopi Spanidou, Luis Orbe, Luis Gonzalez-Guerrero, Dan Herrmann, Guillermo Carpintero, "" Proc. SPIE 12424, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXVII, 1242407 (17 March 2023).

M. Chalony, B. K¨¹chler, R. Zimmermann, C. Xu, L. Melvin, E. Viasnoff, "," Proc. SPIE 12741, Advanced Materials, Biomaterials, and Manufacturing Technologies for Security and Defence, 1274105 (17 October 2023); https://doi.org/10.1117/12.3000524


Maryvonne Chalony, Lawrence S. Melvin III, Rainer Zimmermann, Bernd K¨¹chler, Emilie Viasnoff, Robert Scarmozzino, Daniel Herrmann, Yves Saad, Phil Stopford, Thuc Dam, Ulrich Klostermann, Wolfgang Demmerle, Al Blais, Remco Stoffer, "," Proc. SPIE 12499, Advanced Etch Technology and Process Integration for Nanopatterning XII, 124990A (1 May 2023).

M. U. Masood et al., "," 2023 23rd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Bucharest, Romania, 2023.


Abani Shankar Nayak, Lucas Labadie, Tarun K. Sharma, Simone Piacentini, Giacomo Corrielli, Roberto Osellame, Ettore Pedretti, Aline N. Dinkelaker, Eloy Hernandez, Kalaga V. Madhav, Martin M. Roth, "" Proc. SPIE 12183, Optical and Infrared Interferometry and Imaging VIII, 121832H (26 August 2022).

Balasubramanian M. "Design and Analysis of Waveguide Bragg Gratings based Optical MEMS Accelerometers-A Simulation Study." BIRLA Institute of Technology and Science - Pilani, 2022.


Betancur-P¨¦rez, Andr¨¦s, Cristina de Dios, and Pablo Acedo. 2022. "" Photonics 9, no. 11: 793.

Chan, David W.U.; G. Zhou; X. Wu; Y. Tong; J. Zhang; C. Lu; A.P.T. Lau; H.K. Tsang, ¡°,¡± Journal of Lightwave Technology vol. 40, no. 8, pp. 2265-2273,  (2022).


Dandan Liao, Yuehui Ma, Chen Jiang, Chengbo Mou, Yunqi Liu, "," Optics Communications, Volume 525, 2022, 128841, ISSN 0030-4018.


Hamed Nikbakht and B. Imran Akca, " LaserLaB, Department of Physics and Astronomy, VU University Amsterdam, De Boelelaan 1081, 1081 HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Iadanza, Simone, Mendoza-Castro, Jesus Hernan, Oliveira, Taynara, Butler, Sharon M., Tedesco, Alessio, Giannino, Giuseppe, Lendl, Bernhard, Grande, Marco and O¡¯Faolain, Liam. "" Nanophotonics, vol. 11, no. 18, 2022, pp. 4183-4196. 


Jiayu Zhao, Jiaao Yan, Zhanghua Dong, Chang Liu, Yongpeng Han, Yan Peng,Wei Lin, and Yiming Zhu, "." Advanced Photonics Research 2022, 2200148, 1-11pp.


Melike Behiye Y¨¹cel, "", Advances in Condensed Matter Physics, vol. 2022, Article ID 8947410, 9 pages, 2022. 

Nelson, George T.; D¡¯Rozario, Julia R.; Hubbard, Seth M., "," Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, Volume 242, 2022, 111757, ISSN 0927-0248.

L. Tunesi et al., "," 2022 IEEE Photonics Society Summer Topicals Meeting Series (SUM), 2022, pp. 1-2.


Loic Laplatine, Maryse Fournier, Nicolas Gaignebet, Yanxia Hou, Raphael Mathey, Cyril Herrier, Jie Liu, Delphine Descloux, Bertrand Gautheron, and Thierry Livache, "," Opt. Express 30, 33955-33968 (2022).

S. Serecunova, D. Seyringer, F. Uherek, H. Seyriger, "" Book of Abstracts of the 22 nd Polish-Slovak-Czech Optical Conference on Wave and Quantum Aspects of Contemporary Optics, September 5¨C9, 2022, Wojan¨®w, Poland.


Sanjeev Gogga, Sanjaykumar C Gowre, Mahesh V Sonth et al., "," 04 August 2022, PREPRINT (Version 1) available at Research Square.


Sathish Kumar Danasegaran, Elizabeth Caroline Britto & Poonguzhali S (2022): "," Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 44:3, 7564-7572.


Sun, W., Cao, JL., Wang, XF. et al. "." J Mater Sci: Mater Electron 33, 19544¨C19550 (2022). 


X. Zhou and H. K. Tsang, "" in IEEE Photonics Journal, vol. 14, no. 4,  Art no. 6643405, (2022).


X. Zhou and Hon Ki Tsang, "," Opt. Lett. 47, 3968-3971 (2022).


H. Yang, S. Li, X. Ma, J. K. George, P. Gupta, V. J. Sorger, and C. W. Wong, "," in Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, Technical Digest Series (Optica Publishing Group, 2022), paper JW3B.19.


 Zunyue Zhang, Yi Wang, Jiarui Wang, Dan Yi, David Weng U Chan, Wu Yuan, and Hon Ki Tsang, "," Photon. Res. 10, A74-A81 (2022).


Di Zhu, Linbo Shao, Mengjie Yu, Rebecca Cheng, et al. arXiv, physics.optics, 2102.11956, 2021.

Duarte, Lucas Eduardo Ribeiro; Hernandes, Andr¨¦ Carmona; Duarte, Carlos Antonio Ribeiro; Bar¨ºa, Lu¨ªs Alberto Mijam. Optics Communications, July 3, 2021.

Hernandez, Eloy & Roth, Martin & Petermann, Klaus & Kelz, Andreas & Moralejo, Benito & Madhav, Kalaga. (2021). Journal of the Optical Society of America B. 10.1364/JOSAB.423866.

Iftikhar, Pariwash; Memon, Faisal Ahmed, International Journal of Advanced Studies in Computers, Science and Engineering; Gothenburg Vol. 10, Iss. 2,  (2021): 1-7

Kelsey Wooley, Andrew M. C. Dawes, Zhixin Wang, Maryvonne Chalony, Harun Solak, Lawrence S. Melvin, "," Proc. SPIE PC12913, Optical Architectures for Displays and Sensing in Augmented, Virtual, and Mixed Reality (AR, VR, MR) V, PC129130R (13 March 2024).

K. -N. Ku et al.,  2020 Opto-Electronics and Communications Conference (OECC), 2020, pp. 1-3, doi: 10.1109/OECC48412.2020.9273594.

Kazi Tanvir Ahmmed, Hau Ping Chan, and Binghui Li, OSA Continuum 4, 1519-1532 (2021).

Rostamian, Ali, Madadi-Kandjani, Ehsan, Dalir, Hamed, Sorger, Volker J. and Chen, Ray T..  
Nanophotonics, vol. , no. , 2021.

Savio, D. (2021, April).
 Thesis, Politecnico Di Torino. https://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/.
Prof. Paolo Bardella, Advisor

Shafiee, A. (2021, April).
 Thesis, Politecnico Di Torino. https://webthesis.biblio.polito.it/.
Prof. Michele GOANO, Advisor Prof.Giovanni GHIONE, Co-Advisor Dr. Alberto TIBALDI, Co-Advisor Dr. Marco VALLONE, Co-Advisor

Xu, Chenglin; Heller, Evan; Bahl, Mayank; Scarmozzino, Rob, et al. "" IEEE Conference on Group IV Photonics, Paper ThB1.10, 2021. 

Vikas Kumar, R.K. Varshney, Sunil Kumar,
Results in Optics, 2021, 100094, ISSN 2666-9501.

Yili Liu, Kai Liu, Yifeng Yang, Meizhong Liu, Bing He, and Jun Zhou,
Opt. Express 29, 13344-13358 (2021).

Yufei Feng, Qiushi Huang, Yeqi Zhuang, Andrey Sokolov, Stephanie Lemke, Runze Qi, Zhong Zhang, and Zhanshan Wang, Opt. Express 29, 13416-13427 (2021)


Alessandro Fantoni, Jo?o Costa, Paulo Louren?o and Manuela Vieira Eur. Phys. J. Appl. Phys., 90 3 (2020) 30502.


A. Nalimov, V. Kotlyar and S. Stafeev, 2020 22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Bari, Italy, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICTON51198.2020.9203309.


A.G. Nalimov, V.V. Kotlyar, Optik, Volume 222, November 2020.


Arledge, Kiernan & Weng, Binbin & Uchoa, Bruno. (2020).


Barnaby R.M. Norris, Jin Wei, Christopher H. Betters, Alison Wong, Sergio G. Leon-Saval.  University of Sydney, Australia. March 11, 2020.


Casquel, R., Holgado, M., Laguna, M.F. et al. Anal Bioanal Chem (2020).


Chen Chen, Qingming Lu, Shavkat Akhmadaliev, Shengqiang Zhou "" Optics & Laser Technology. Vol. 126 (2020).


Chunlan Liu, Jiangxi Hu, Yong Wei, Yudong Su, Pin Wu, Lingling Li and Xiaoling Zhao. Chinese Physical Society and IOP Publishing Ltd. July 28, 2020.


Chunxiang Zhang, Fufei Pang, Huanhuan Liu, Lifei Chen, Junfeng Yang, Jianxiang Wen, Tingyun Wang. "Highly efficient excitation of LP01 mode in ring-core fibers by tapering for optimizing OAM generation," Chinese Optics Letters. COL. 18(2), 020602. February 2020.


D.A. Presti, V.Guarepi, F. Videla, G.A.Torchia "." Optics and Lasers in Engineering. Volume 126. March, 2020.


Dablu, K., Rakesh, R. Optoelectron. Lett. 16, 126¨C130 (2020).


Enrico Ghillino, Pasquale Pasella, Remco Stoffer, Dwight Richards, Jigesh Patel, Pablo Mena, Rob Scarmozzino, Paolo Bardella, Emanuele Virgillito, Dario Pillori, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Proc. SPIE 11309, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems IX, 113090T (16 March 2020).


Eyal Samoi, Yosef Benezra, Dror Malka.  Photonics and Nanostructures - Fundamentals and Applications. February 2020.


Giuseppe Giannuzzi, Enrico Ghillino, Paolo Bardella, Proc. SPIE 11283, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXIV, 112832H, February 25, 2020.


Gang Zhang, Xuqiang Wu, Qiang Ge, Shili Li, Wujun Zhang, Jinhui Shi, Lei Gui, and Benli Yu, Opt. Express 28, 18596-18606 (2020)


Hocini, A., Ben salah, H., Khedrouche, D. et al. Opt Quant Electron 52, 336 (2020).


Huadan Zheng, Bincheng Huang, Yuhang Li, Renjing Zhang, Xiaohang Gu, Zhinbin Li, Haoyang Lin, Wenguo Zhu, Jieyuan Tang, Heyuan Guan, Huihui Lu, Yongchun Zhong, Junbin Fang, Yunhan Luo, Jun Zhang, Jianhui Yu, Frank K Tittel, and Zhe Chen, Opt. Express 28, 15641-15651 (2020)


Jannesari, Reyhaneh; Gerald P¨¹hringer, Gerald; Grille, Thomas Grille; Jakobv, Bernhard. micromachines, August 2020.


Josh D. Brown, Satya Barik, Qian Gao, Brad Siskavich, Marie Wintrebert-Fouquet, Alanna Fernandes, Patrick Chen, Mahmoud Behzadirad, Ashwin K. Rishinaramangalam, Daniel Feezell, Ian Mann, Proc. SPIE 11262, High-Power Diode Laser Technology XVIII, 112620R (2 March 2020).


Jing-Yi Chen, Zhong-Hu Xie, Wei-Nan Li, She-Bao Lin, Liao-Lin Zhang, Chun-Xiao Liu. "" Optik. Volume 207. April, 2020.


J. Kenji Clark, Ya-Lun Ho, Hiroaki Matsui, Bertrand Vilquin, Hitoshi Tabata, and Jean-Jacques Delaunay

ACS Photonics Accepted Manuscript. July 2020.


Jia-xin Li, Zheng-rong Tong, Lei Jing, Wei-hua Zhang, Juan Qin, Jing-wei Liu,  Optics Communications, 2020, 125707, ISSN 0030-4018.


Dr. Jie Wang, Jinzhe Yang, and Dr Dong Shi. IOP Publishing Ltd. July 28, 2020.


Jing Yuan, Jing Shu, and Liyong Jiang, "" Opt. Express 28, pp. 5367-5377 (2020).


K. -N. Ku et al., 2020 International Symposium on VLSI Technology, Systems and Applications (VLSI-TSA), Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2020, pp. 86-87, doi: 10.1109/VLSI-TSA48913.2020.9203595.


Kazi Tanvir Ahmmed, Hau Ping Chan, and Binghui Li, Opt. Express 28, 28465-28478 (2020).


Keh-Yi Lee,Ruei-Chang Lu. "" Optical and Quantum Electronic P.69 Vol. 52 Issue 2. January 20, 2020


Liangliang Du, Limin Meng, Ran An, Yan Ye, "" Proc. SPIE 11427, Second Target Recognition and Artificial Intelligence Summit Forum, 1142723. January 31, 2020.


Lianchao ShangGuan, Daming Zhang, Tong Zhang, Ru Cheng, Jihou Wang, Chunxue Wang, Fei Wang, Seng-Tiong Ho, Changming Chen, Teng Fei. "" Dyes and Pigments. January 15, 2020.


Liu, D., Hu, S.  Opt Quant Electron 52, 431 (2020). 


L. Wang et al., "," in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 32, no. 4, pp. 200-203, 15 Feb.15, 2020.


L. Zhang et al., ," Journal of Lightwave Technology. February 4, 2020.


Lu, Jia-Syun; Wang, Hsuan-Yin; Kudo, Tetsuhiro; Masuhara, Hiroshi. "," J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2020, 11, XXX, 6057¨C6062, July 13, 2020.


Moritz Bartnick and Matteo Santandrea and Jan Philipp Hoepker and Frederik Thiele and Raimund Ricken and Viktor Quiring and Christof Eigner and Harald Herrmann and Christine Silberhorn and Tim J. Bartley  Physics Optics, 2005.07500 May 18, 2020


M. Erzina, A. Trelin, O. Guselnikova, B. Dvorankova, K. Strnadova, A. Perminova, P. Ulbrich, D. Mares, V. Jerabek, R. Elashnikov, V. Svorcik, O. Lyutakov, "" Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical, Volume 308, 2020.


Miyazaki, Hideki T., Mano, Takaaki, Kasaya, Takeshi, Osato, Hirotaka, Watanabe, Kazuhiro, Sugimoto, Yoshimasa, Kawazu, Takuya, Arai, Yukinaga, Shigetou, Akitsu, Ochiai, Tetsuyuki, Jimba, Yoji, Miyazaki, Hiroshi. " Nature Communications. Issue 1, Vol. 11, Article No. 565. 01/28/2020.


M.R. Kulkarni, B.M.R. Kumar, M.M. Malghan, Mohamedarif, G.Honnungar, Rajini V., et. al. Emerging Trends in Photonics, Signal Processing and Communication Engineering Conference Paper, April 21, 2020.


Mann, V., Rastogi, V. Opt Quant Electron 52, 233 (2020).


Navneet Dhindsa, Reza Kohandani, Simarjeet Singh Saini. "," Nanotechnology pp. 0957-4484 (2020).


O. Budriga, L. E. Ionel, D. Tatomirescu, and K. A. Tanaka, Opt. Lett. 45, 3454-3457 (2020)


Okatani, T., Sekiguchi, S., Hane, K. et al. Sci Rep 10, 14807 (2020).


Panpan Niu, Junfeng Jiang, Shuang Wang, Kun Liu, Zhe Ma, Yongning Zhang, Wenjie Chen, and Tiegen Liu, Opt. Express 28, 30570-30585 (2020)


Patel, Jigesh.  PIC Magazine, Issue III, 2020 pp. 24-30. November 2020.


Pisano, Filippo, et al. "," Nanotechnology, July 2020.


Qiushi Huang, Igor V. Kozhevnikov, Andrey Sokolov, Yeqi Zhuang, Tongzhou Li, Jiangtao Feng, Frank Siewert, Jens Viefhaus, Zhong Zhang, Zhanshan Wang. "Theoretical analysis and optimization of highly efficient multilayer-coated blazed gratings with high fix-focus constant for the tender X-ray region," Optic Express. Vol. 28, No. 2. January, 2020.


Salim Boutami, Nathan Zhao, Shanhui Fan, Proc. SPIE 11290, High Contrast Metastructures IX, 112900Q, February 26, 2020.


S. Chen, Y. Liu, Q. X. Yu and W. Peng, "" in Journal of Lightwave Technology. January 23, 2020.


Satoshi Katano, Takeru Iwahori, Ryota Yamasaki, Ayana Mizuno, Atsushi Ono, and  Yoichi Uehara. Journal of Applied Physics 127, 185301 (2020).


S. V. Thathachary, J. Howes and S. Ashkenazi, "," in IEEE Sensors Journal. February 2020.


Shu Jiang, Wilfred V. Espulgar, Xi Luo, Masato Saito, Hiroyuki Yoshikawa, Eiichi Tamiya, Electrochemistry, Article ID 19-00072, [Advance publication] Released April 07, 2020, Online ISSN 2186-2451, Print ISSN 1344-3542.


Steffen Hessler, Stefan Knopf, Mathias Rommel, Maiko Girschikofsky, Bernhard Schmauss, and Ralf Hellmann, Opt. Lett. 45, 5510-5513 (2020)


S. Latkowski, D. Pustakhod, M. Chatzimichailidis, X. Leijtens and K. Williams, 2020 22nd International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (ICTON), Bari, Italy, 2020, pp. 1-4, doi: 10.1109/ICTON51198.2020.9203537.


Suslik, L.; Skriniarova, J.; Kovac, J.; Pudis, D.; Kuzma, A.; Kovac, J., Jr.  Coatings 2020, 10, 748.


Siew Li Tan, Yong Keong Yap, Jia Jun Wong, Jun Da Ng, Gianluca Grenci, and Aaron J. Danner, Opt. Express 28, 20095-20105 (2020)


S. Varughese, D. Lippiatt, S. Tibuleac and S. E. Ralph, in Journal of Lightwave Technology, doi: 10.1109/JLT.2020.3000177.


Shuangbao Wang, Matthew Rohde, Amjad Ali, ICCSP 2020: Proceedings of the 2020 4th International Conference on Cryptography, Security, and Privacy. Pages 36 - 41. January 2020.


Taiyong Guo, Ruonan Li, Lifei Sun, Yangjian Cai, Yingyin Ren, Yicun Yao, Mark D. Mackenzie, Ajoy K. Kar. "" Optics Communications. Vol 461. April, 2020.


Teruyuki Nakahama and Nobuhiko Ozaki and Hisaya Oda and Naoki Ikeda and Yoshimasa Sugimoto. "," Japanese Journal of Applied Physics. IOP Publishing. Volume 59, No. 9. August 2020.


Toyama, Nobuhito (Tokyo, JP) 2020 United States DAI NIPPON PRINTING CO., LTD. (Tokyo, JP) Patent: 20200073030.


Takaku, R. & Hanany, Shaul & Imada, Hiroaki & Ishino, H. & Katayama, N. & Komatsu, K. & Konishi, K. & Kuwata-Gonokami, M. & Matsumura, T. & Mitsuda, K. & Sakurai, H. & Sakurai, Yuki & Wen, Q. & Yamasaki, N. & Young, K. & Yumoto, Junji. (2020).


Takeyoshi Tajiri, Shun Takahashi, Cornelis H.M. Harteveld, Yasuhiko Arakawa, Satoshi Iwamoto, Willem L. Vos. "" Physical Review B. January 16, 2020. 


W. Sun et al., in Journal of Lightwave Technology. 2020.


W. Yang et al., in IEEE Sensors Journal. doi: 10.1109/JSEN.2020.2972292 February 10, 2020.


Xinyi Zhao et al., "All-fiber bandwidth tunable ultra-broadband mode converters based on long-period fiber gratings and helical long-period gratings," Optics Express. Vol. 28, No. 8. April 13, 2020.


Xiupu Zhang, Hao Sun, Taijun Liu, Ying Hou. Optics Communications. Vol. 465. June, 2020.


Xiaotao Zhu, Wei Hong, Ningfeng Bai, Xiaohan Sun, SPIE Conference Proceedings, April 17, 2020


Y. Baravets, P. Dvorak, F. Todorov, J. Ctyroky, P. Peterka, and P. Honzatko, "," Opt. Express  28, 4340-4346 (2020). 


Yuta Kaihori, Yu Yamasaki, Tsuyoshi Konishi. "Bandwidth adjustment and spectral defragmentation for optical networking unit using four wave mixing spectral compression," Optics Express. Vol. 28. No. 2. January 2020.


Yang, W., Li, C., Wang, M. et al. J Russ Laser Res 41, 344¨C351 (2020).


Y. Li, S. Yin, J. Tian, S. Ji and Y. Yao, "" in IEEE Sensors Journal.


Yuan Yao, Bo Liu, Hao Zhang, Haifeng Liu, Jianguo Liu,  Results in Physics, 2020, 103082, ISSN 2211-3797.


Y. Zhang et al., in IEEE Sensors Journal, 2020.


Yang, Z., Xia, L., Xia, J. et al.  Appl. Phys. B 126, 156 (2020).


Yun Zhou, Jie Tang, Heng Zhang, Minghui Luo, Lei Zhou, Su Shen, Donglin Pu and Linsen Chen,  Nanotechnology, Vol. 31, No. 41, July 20, 2020


Zhang, J., Chen, J., Liu, C. et al.  J. Korean Phys. Soc. 76, 479¨C483 (2020).


Zhang, Xinyue & Chen, Huajiang & Liu, Liling & Shang, Jumei & Yu, Lingyun & Li, Ke & Dong, Jiangli & Qiu, Wentao & Guan, Heyuan & Lu, Huihui & Chen, Zhe. (2020). IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. PP. 1-1. 10.1109/LPT.2020.3019962.


Z. Yang, J. Xia, R. Qi, G. Zuo, W. Li, "Ultrawide temperature range operation of SPR sensor utilizing a depressed double cladding fiber coated with Au-Polydimethylsiloxane," Optics Express. Vol. 28, No. 1. January 6, 2020. PDF.


Zhicheng Ye, Jun Zheng. "Further improvement of the light efficiency of LCDs via the asymmetric reflection of metallic nanowire gratings," Optical Materials Express. Vol. 10, No. 4. April 1, 2020.


Zhihai Liu, Min Zhang, Yu Zhang, Yao Xu, Yaxun Zhang, Xinghua Yang, Jianzhong Zhang, Jun Yang, Libo Yuan,  Sensors and Actuators A: Physical, Volume 313, 2020, 112179, ISSN 0924-4247


Zhiyuan Zhou, Shuanggen Zhang, "" Optics Communications, Volume 458, 2020.


Aneek E. James; Xiang Meng; Alexander Gazman; Natalie Janosik; Keren Bergman. "Time-Efficient Photonic Variability Simulator for Uncertainty Quantification of Photonic Integrated Circuit." .  April 2019.

Anghel, Julia.  Optik, Volume 185, pp. 282-286, 2019.


A. S¨¢nchez-Postigo, A. Ortega-Mo?ux, D. Pereira-Mart¨ªn, ?. Molina-Fern¨¢ndez, R. Halir, P. Cheben, J. Soler Penad¨¦s, M. Nedeljkovic, G. Z. Mashanovich, and J. G. Wang¨¹emert-P¨¦rez, "" Opt. Express27, 22302-22315 (2019)


Anh Tung Doan, Takahiro Yokoyama, Thang Duy Doa. "" Micromachines 2019,10(6), 413; . 


Anh Tung Doan, Thang Duy Dao, Satoshi Ishii, et al. "." Micromachines 201910, 416; doi:10.3390/mi10060416. June 21, 2019.


Anthony, Ross.  McMaster University Doctor of Philosophy Thesis, 2019.


A. Lyasota, F.T. Armand Pilon, Y.-M. Niquet, et al. "." Nature Communications 10, Article number: 2724. June 20, 2019.


Benhamed et al. "" United States Patent Application Publication. Pub no.  US 2019/0189664 A1. June 20, 2019.


C. K. Lai, Y. L. Zhong, T. Han, W. Y. Chong, D. Y. Choi, H. D. K. Goldsmith, P. Ma, H. Ahmad, S. Madden, "" Proc. SPIE 11200, AOS Australian Conference on Optical Fibre Technology (ACOFT) and Australian Conference on Optics, Lasers, and Spectroscopy (ACOLS) 2019, 1120033 (30 December 2019).


Chuanxiang Chen, Zhichao Zhu, Bo Liu, et al. "" Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment. October 11, 2019.


Chuan Ma, Dongya Shen, Xiupu Zhang. "" IEEE Photonics Journal. 2019.


Chunxue Wang, Da-Ming Zhang, Xucheng Zhang, Jihou Wang, et al. "Metal-printing polymer waveguide thermo-opticswitches compatible with 650 and 532 nm visiblesignal wavelengths for plastic optical fiber systems," Applied Optics. July 29, 2019.


D. E. Hagan, B. Torres-Kulik and A. P. Knights, "" in IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, vol. 31, no. 16, pp. 1373-1376, 15 Aug.15, 2019.


D. Pallar¨¦s-Aldeiturriaga, L. Rodriguez-Cobo, M. Lomer, J.M. Lopez-Higuera. "" Optics & Laser Technology. Vol. 119. November, 2019.


Dadabayev, Rami; Malka, Dror. "." Optics & Laser Technology, Volume 116, pp. 239-245, 2019.

Dadabayev, Rami; Malka, Dror. "R." Micro-structured and Specialty Optical Fibres VI, SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, 2019.


Daisuke Sakai, Hiroshi Kakiuchida, Kenji Harada, Jun Nishikawa, "" Cambridge University Press. October 15, 2019.


Daohan Ge, Jianpei Shi, Ahmed Rezk, Chao Ma, et al. "" Nanoscale Research Letters. December 2019. Online October 2019.


D. Seyringer, L. Gajdosova, J. Chovan, et al. "." ADEPT 2019, 7th International Conference on Advances in Electronic and Photonic Technologies. June 2019.


D. Seyringer, L. Gajdosova, J. Chovan, et al. "" Research Centre for Microtechnology, Vorarlberg University of Applied Sciences, Dornbirn Austria. International Laser Centre, Bratislavia Slovakia. 

Fairuz Aniqa Salwa; Muahmmad Mominur Rahman; Muhammad Obaidur Rahman; Muhammad Abdul Mannan Chowdhury. "Germanium Based Two-Dimensional Photonic Crystals with Square Lattice." American Journal of Optics and Photonics. 2019; 7(1): 10-17. 15 May 2019.


Fang Wang, Kaibo Pang, Tao Ma, Xu Wang, Yufang Liu. "High-Sensitivity and Temperature-Insensitive Refractometer Based on TNHF Structure for Low-Range Refractive Index Measurement," Progress in Electromagnetic Research. Vol. 166 Pp. 167-175. 2019.

Fedorenko, A., Baboli, M., Mohseni, P., & Hubbard, S. (2019).  MRS Advances, 4(16), 929-936. doi:10.1557/adv.2019.127


F. Yang, Q. Lu, W. Guo, G. Liu, and G. Zhao, "" in Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACPC) 2019, OSA Technical Digest (Optical Society of America, 2019), paper M4A.253.


F.Z. Mirouh, M. Bouchemat, M.R. Lebbal, and T. Bouchemat. "" ACTA PHYSICA POLONICA A. Vol. 135. No. 4. 2019


Gloria E. Hoefler, Yuchun Zhou, Maria Anagnosti, et al. "" IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. Vol. 25, No. 5, September/October 2019.


G?ran Maconi, Ivan Kassamakov, T. Vainikka, et al. "." Optical Measurement Systems for Industrial Inspection XI. Proceedings Volume 11056. June 21, 2019.


Guo, X.; et al. "." Physics Letters A, 2019.

Gupta, Nikhil. "Absorption enhancement in hole Interface layer free perovskite solar cells using periodic photonic nanostructures." Optics & Laser Technology, Volume 115, 2019.

Hadij-ElHouati; et al. "." SPIE Optics + Optoelectronics, 2019.


H. J. Cho, D. Lippiatt, S. Varughese and S. E. Ralph, "," 2019 IEEE Avionics and Vehicle Fiber-Optics and Photonics Conference (AVFOP), Arlington, VA, USA, 2019, pp. 1-2.


Hai Dang Ngo, Kai Chen, ?rjan S. Handeg?rd, Anh Tung Doan, Thien Duc Ngo, Thang Duy Dao, Naoki Ikeda, Akihiko Ohi, Toshihide Nabatame, Tadaaki Nagao. "," Micromachines. December 24, 2019. PDF.


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Coote, J., E. Woolliams, N. Fox, I. D. Goodyer, and S. J. Sweeney. "Design and simulation of a semiconductor chip-based visible-NIR spectrometer for Earth observation." In SPIE OPTO, pp. 898819-898819. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014. 

Kwon, Young Bong, and Michael Vasilyev. "Mode-selective frequency up-conversion in a ¦Ö (2) waveguide." In SPIE LASE, pp. 89640N-89640N. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014.

Sawada, Takahiro, Katsuya Masuno, Shinya Kumagai, Makoto Ishii, Shouichi Uematsu, and Minoru Sasaki. "Enhanced wavelength selective infrared emission using surface plasmon polariton and thermal energy confined in micro-heater." In Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS), 2014 IEEE 27th International Conference on, pp. 1179-1182. IEEE, 2014. 

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Fu, Enjin, Valencia Joyner Koomson, Pengfei Wu, and Z. Rena Huang. "Traveling wave electrode design for ultra compact carrier-injection HBT-based electroabsorption modulator in a 130nm BiCMOS process." In SPIE OPTO, pp. 89890H-89890H. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014.

You, Borwen, Chien-Chun Peng, Ja-Yu Lu, Hungh-Hsuan Chen, Jia-Shing Jhang, Chin-Ping Yu, Tze-An Liu, Jin-Long Peng, and Chi-Kuang Sun. "Terahertz plasmonic waveguide sensing based on metal rod array structures." In SPIE OPTO, pp. 89850L-89850L. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014. 

Chakravarty, Swapnajit, Harish Subbaraman, Yi Zou, Wei-Cheng Lai, and Ray T. Chen. "Methods to array photonic crystal microcavities for high throughput high sensitivity biosensing on a silicon-chip based platform." In SPIE OPTO, pp. 89900S-89900S. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014.

Wei, Shile, Jian Wu, Lingjuan Zhao, Jifang Qiu, Zuoshan Yin, and Rongqing Hui. "A novel wavelength multiplexer/demultiplexer based on side-port multimode interference coupler." In SPIE Photonics Europe, pp. 91330Y-91330Y. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014. 

Lindley, Emma, Seong-Sik Min, Sergio Leon-Saval, Nick Cvetojevic, Nemanja Jovanovic, Joss Bland-Hawthorn, Jon Lawrence et al. "Core-to-core uniformity improvement in multi-core fiber Bragg gratings." In SPIE Astronomical Telescopes+ Instrumentation, pp. 91515F-91515F. International Society for Optics and Photonics, 2014. 

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Elina Kropacova, Oskars Ozolins, Girts Ivanovs. "RZ-OOK to NRZ-OOK Modulation-Format Conversion in Microring Resonator for Mixed WDM Systems." Developments in Optics and Communications: Book of Abstracts 2013, Institute of Telecommunications, Riga Technical University, Latvia, 2013.

Troy Copenhaver, II, Joseph Haefner, Jacob Kurka, Michael Maurer, Christopher Middlebrook, Jessika West. "IMDD microwave photonic link modeling using OptSim," In Proceedings of the SPIE, Volume 8624, id. 86240J, pp. 9, 2013.

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Photonic System Tools


Andrea Marchisio, Enrico Ghillino, Vittorio Curri, Andrea Carena, Paolo Bardella, "," Proc. SPIE 12904, Vertical-Cavity Surface-Emitting Lasers XXVIII, 129040N (13 March 2024).

Muhammad Umar Masood, Ihtesham Khan, Lorenzo Tunesi, Bruno Correia, Andrea Marchisio, Enrico Ghillino, Paolo Bardella, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, "," Proc. SPIE PC12894, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems XIII, PC128940D (9 March 2024).


Ihtesham Khan, Muhammad Umar Masood, Lorenzo Tunesi, Enrico Ghillino, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Paolo Bardella, "" Proc. SPIE 12415, Physics and Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices XXXI, 124150P (10 March 2023).

Lorenzo Tunesi, Ihtesham Khan, Muhammad Umar Masood, Enrico Ghillino, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Paolo Bardella, "," Proc. SPIE 12417, Optical Components and Materials XX, 124170X (14 March 2023).

Muhammad Umar Masood, Lorenzo Tunesi, Ihtesham Khan, Bruno Correia, Enrico Ghillino, Paolo Bardella, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, "," Proc. SPIE 12429, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems XII, 124290J (15 March 2023).



Ihtesham Khan, Lorenzo Tunesi, Muhammad Umar Masood, Enrico Ghillino, Paolo Bardella, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, "" Proc. SPIE 12028, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems XI, 120280I (3 March 2022).


Ihtesham Khan, Lorenzo Tunesi, Maryvonne Chalony, Enrico Ghillino, Muhammad Umar Masood, Jigesh Patel, Paolo Bardella, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, "," Proc. SPIE 11713, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems X, 117130Q (8 March 2021).

Lorenzo Tunesi, Giuseppe Giannuzzi, Ihtesham Khan, Jigesh Patel, Enrico Ghillino, Vittorio Curri, Andrea Carena, Paolo Bardella, "," Proc. SPIE 11691, Silicon Photonics XVI, 1169110 (5 March 2021).


Enrico Ghillino, Pasquale Pasella, Remco Stoffer, Dwight Richards, Jigesh Patel, Pablo Mena, Rob Scarmozzino, Paolo Bardella, Emanuele Virgillito, Dario Pillori, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, "" Proc. SPIE 11309, Next-Generation Optical Communication: Components, Sub-Systems, and Systems IX, 113090T (16 March 2020).

Giuseppe Giannuzzi, Enrico Ghillino, Paolo Bardella, "," Proc. SPIE 11283, Integrated Optics: Devices, Materials, and Technologies XXIV, 112832H (25 February 2020).


Anthony Rizzo, Liang Yuan Dai, Xiang Meng, Yanir London, Jigesh Patel, Madeleine Glick, Keren Bergman, "," Proc. SPIE 10924, Optical Interconnects XIX, 1092407 (4 March 2019).


Katti, Rohan; Prince, Shanthi. "." Photonic Network Communications, 2018. 

Pablo V. Mena, Enrico Ghillino, Dwight Richards, Satoshi Hyuga, Makoto Nakai, Manabu Kagami, Robert Scarmozzino, "," Proc. SPIE 10560, Metro and Data Center Optical Networks and Short-Reach Links, 105600I (30 January 2018).


RamPriyan, V., et al. "Design and Performance Scrutiny of Sixteen Users O-CDMA Encoding System using Ultrashort Pulses." International Journal for Innovative Research in Science and Technology 2.12 (2016): 308-314.

M. Kagami; A. Kawasaki; M. Yonemura; M. Nakai; P. V. Mena; D. R. Selviah., "Encircled Angular Flux Representation of the Modal Power Distribution and Its Behavior in a Step Index Multimode Fiber", Journal of Lightwave Technology, Volume: 34, Issue: 3 (2016): 943-951.

Curri, Vittorio; Carena, Andrea, "Merit of Raman Pumping in Uniform and Uncompensated Links Supporting NyWDM Transmission," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, VOL. 34, NO. 1, January 1, 2016, pp. 01-12, Print ISSN: 0733-8724, Online ISSN: 1558-2213, Digital Object Identifier: 10.1109/JLT.2015.2477599.


Bahl, M., Linkov, A., Heller, E., Rossbach, G., Cassarly, W., Scarmozzino, R., ¡°Necessity of Mixed-level Simulations for Optical Modeling of Light-emitting Diodes with Patterned Substrates¡±, SPIE Optics and Photonics, Paper 9571-13 (2015).


B. Cimoli, J. Estaran, G. Arturo Rodes et al. "100G WDM Transmission over 100 meter Multimode Fiber."  Asia Communications and Photonics Conference. OSA 2015.


Curri, Vittorio; Andrea Carena, Andrea Arduino, Gabriella Bosco, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Antonino Nespola, and Fabrizio Forghieri, "Design Strategies and Merit of System Parameters for Uniform Uncompensated Links Supporting Nyquist-WDM Transmission," IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology, VOL. 33, NO. 18, September 15, 2015, pp. 3921- 3932.

Linkov, A., Bahl, M., Heller, E., Rossbach, G., Cassarly, W., Scarmozzino, R., ¡°Optical modeling of LEDs by combining ray and wave-optical approaches¡±, SPIE Optical System Design, Paper 9629-20 (2015).


Pablo V. Mena, Bryan Stone, Evan Heller, Dan Herrmann, Enrico Ghillino, Rob Scarmozzino, "" Proc. SPIE 8991, Optical Interconnects XIV, 899111 (8 March 2014).


Vittorio Curri, Gabriella Bosco, Roberto Gaudino. "On the use of DFB Lasers for Coherent PON." OFC Optical Fiber Conference 2011 (2012).

Andrea Carena, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Vittorio Curri, Gabriella Bosco. "Investigation of the Dependence of Non-Linear Interference on the Number of WDM Channels in Coherent Optical Networks." European Conference on Optical Communication (2012): 1-3.

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri, Andrea Carena, Robert Cigliutti. "Experimental Investigation of Nonlinear Interference Accumulation in Uncompensated Links." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 24 (2012): 1230-1232.

Vittorio Curri, Robert Cigliutti, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena, Gabriella Bosco. "Ultra-Long-Haul Transmission of 16x112 Gb/s Spectrally-Engineered DAC-Generated Nyquist-WDM PM-16QAM Channels with 1.05x(Symbol-Rate) Frequency Spacing." Optical Fiber Communication Conference (2012): 1-3.

Gabriella Bosco, Andrea Carena, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Vittorio Curri. "Modeling of the Impact of Nonlinear Propagation Effects in Uncompensated Optical Coherent Transmission Links." Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 30 (2012): 1524-1539.

Gabriella Bosco, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri. "Optimization of DSP-based Nyquist-WDM PM-16QAM Transmitter." European Conference on Optical Communication (2012): 1-3.

Andrea Carena, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri. "Evaluation of Non-Linear Interference in Uncompensated Links using Raman Amplification." European Conference on Optical Communication (2012): 1-3.

Gabriella Bosco, Robert Cigliutti, Andrea Carena, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Vittorio Curri. "DAC-Generated Nyquist-WDM PM-16QAM Channels for Spectrally Efficient Terabit Ultra-Long-Haul Transmission." FOTONICA (2012): 1-4.

Vittorio Curri, Robert Cigliutti, Gabriella Bosco, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena. "16x125 Gb/s Quasi-Nyquist DAC-Generated PM-16QAM Transmission Over 3590 km of PSCF." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 24 (2012): 2143-2146.

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena, Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri. "Non-linearity Compensation Limits in Optical Systems with Coherent Receivers." Signal Processing in Photonic Communications (2012): 1-2.

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena, Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri. "Evaluation of the Dependence on System Parameters of Non-Linear Interference Accumulation in Multi-Span Links." European Conference on Optical Communication (2012): 1-3.


Anuj Dhawan, Michael Canva, and Tuan Vo-Dinh, "Narrow groove plasmonic nano-gratings for surface plasmon resonance sensing," Opt. Express 19, 787-813 (2011)

Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco. "Analytical Results on Channel Capacity in Uncompensated Optical Links with Coherent Detection." European Conference on Optical Communication (2011).

Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Gabriella Bosco, Pierluigi Poggiolini. "Performance of Digital Nyquist-WDM." Signal Processing in Photonic Communications (2011).

Gabriella Bosco, Robert Cigliutti, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Enrico Torrengo. "Experimental validation of an analytical model for nonlinear propagation in uncompensated optical links." Optics Express, Vol. 19 (2011): B790-B798.

Enrico Torrengo, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri, Robert Cigliutti, Andrea Carena. "Experimental Validation of an Analytical Model for Nonlinear Propagation in Uncompensated Optical Links." European Conference on Optical Communication (2011).

Vittorio Curri, Gabriella Bosco, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena. "Analytical results on channel capacity in uncompensated optical links with coherent detection." Optics Express, Vol. 19 (2011): B440-B451.

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Vittorio Curri, Gabriella Bosco, Andrea Carena, Robert Cigliutti. "Performance prediction for WDM PM-QPSK transmission over uncompensated links." Optical Fiber Communication Conference (2011).

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco, Valerio Miot, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri. "Performance dependence on channel baud-rate of PM-QPSK systems over uncompensated links." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 23 (2011): 15-17.

Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri. "Raman-assisted transmission of Nyquist-WDM PM-16QAM channels at 240 Gbitps on PSCF." ICTON (2011).

Robert Cigliutti, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Enrico Torrengo, Gabriella Bosco. "A novel Figure of Merit to Compare Fibersin Coherent Detection Systems with Uncompensated Links." European Conference on Optical Communication (2011).

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri, Andrea Carena. "A simple and accurate model for non-linear propagation effects in uncompensated coherent transmission links." International Conference on Transparent Optical Networks (2011).

Gabriella Bosco, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini. "Analytical modeling of nonlinear propagation in uncompensated optical transmission links." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 23 (2011): 742-744.

Roberto Gaudino, Vittorio Curri, Robert Cigliutti, Gabriella Bosco. "Coherent PON for NG-PON2: 40Gbps Downstream Transmission with 40dB Power Margin using Commercial DFB Lasers and no Optical Amplification." International Conference on Microelectronics, Optoelectronics, and Nanoelectronics (2011).

Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Gabriella Bosco, Pierluigi Poggiolini. "On the Performance of Nyquist-WDM Terabit Superchannels Based on PM-BPSK, PM-QPSK, PM-8QAM or PM-16QAM Subcarriers." Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 29 (2011): 53-61.

Andrea Carena, Robert Cigliutti, Enrico Torrengo, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri. "Transmission of 9x138 Gb/s Prefiltered PM-8QAM Signals Over 4000 km of Pure Silica-Core Fiber." Journal of Lightwave Technology, Vol. 29 (2011): 2310-2318.

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Robert Cigliutti, Gabriella Bosco, Enrico Torrengo, Vittorio Curri, Andrea Carena. "Novel figure of merit to compare fibers in coherent detection systems with uncompensated links." Optics Express, Vol. 20 (2011): 339-346.

Sriharsha Kota, Jigesh Patel, Enrico Ghillino, Dwight Richards, "," Proc. SPIE 7958, Broadband Access Communication Technologies V, 79580G (24 January 2011).


Long Chen, Christopher R. Doerr, Young-Kai Chen, Tsung-Yang Liow. ¡°Low-Loss and Broadband Cantilever Couplers Between Standard Cleaved Fibers and High-Index-Contrast Si3N4 or Si Waveguides.¡± IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 22, No.23 (2010): 1744.

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Gabriella Bosco. "Statistical Characterization of PM-QPSK Signals after Propagation in Uncompensated Fiber Links." 36th European Conference on Optical Communication (2010): 1-3.

Gabriella Bosco, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri. "Coherent polarization-multiplexed formats: receiver requirements and mitigation of fiber non-linear effects." 36th European Conference on Optical Communication (2010): 1-6.

Andrea Carena, Gabriella Bosco, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Vittorio Curri, Giancarlo Gavioli, Valerio Miot, Enrico Torrengo. "NRZ-PM-QPSK 16x100 Gb/s transmission over installed fiber with different dispersion maps." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 22 (2010): 371-373.

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Gabriella Bosco, Valerio Miot, Enrico Torrengo, Giancarlo Gavioli. "Investigation of the Impact of Ultra-Narrow Carrier Spacing on the Transmission of a 10-Carrier 1Tb/s Superchannel." Proceedings of the Optical Fiber Communications Conference (2010): 1-3.

Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena. "Performance limits of Nyquist-WDM and CO-OFDM in high-speed PM-QPSK systems." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 22 (2010): 1129-1131.

Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco, Andrea Carena, Enrico Torrengo. "Investigation on the Robustness of a Nyquist-WDM TerabitSuperchannel to Transmitter and Receiver Non-Idealities." 36th European Conference on Optical Communication - ECOC 2010, Vol. I (2010): 1-3.

Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena, Gabriella Bosco. "Maximum reach vs. transmission capacity for Terabit superchannels based on 27.75 GBaud PM-QPSK, PM-8QAM or PM-16QAM." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 22 (2010): 829-831.

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Vittorio Curri, Andrea Carena. "Performance Analysis of Coherent 222 Gbit/s NRZ PM-16QAM WDM Systems over Long-Haul Links." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 22 (2010): 266-268.

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri, Andrea Carena. "Nonlinear Propagation of 1 Tbps Superchannels based on 240Gbps PM-16QAM subcarriers on PSCF with Hybrid Erbium/Raman Fiber Amplification." 36th European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (2010).

Andrea Carena, Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri, Robert Cigliutti, Enrico Torrengo, Giancarlo Gavioli, ALESSIO ALAIMO, Pierluigi Poggiolini. "Transoceanic PM-QPSK Terabit Superchannel TransmissionExperiments at Baud-Rate Subcarrier Spacing." 36th European Conference on Optical Communication - ECOC 2010, Vol. I (2010): 1-3.

Gabriella Bosco, Andrea Carena, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Vittorio Curri. "Performance Evaluation of Long-haul 111 Gb/s PM-QPSK Transmission over Different Fiber Types." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 22 (2010): 1446-1448.

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri, Andrea Carena. "Performance evaluation of coherent WDM PS-QPSK (HEXA) accounting for non-linear fiber propagation effects." Optics Express, Vol. 18 (2010): 11360-11371.

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco, Enrico Torrengo, Andrea Carena, Robert Cigliutti, Vittorio Curri. "Joint DGD, PDL and Chromatic Dispersion Estimation inUltra-Long-Haul WDM Transmission Experiments with CoherentReceivers." 36th European Conference on Optical Communication, Vol. I (2010): 1-3.


Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Gabriella Bosco, Pierluigi Poggiolini. "Impact of ADC sampling speed and resolution on uncompensated long-haul 111-Gb/s WDM PM-QPSK systems." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 21 (2009): 1514-1516.

Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Valerio Miot, Enrico Torrengo, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco, Giancarlo Gavioli. "Transmission of 100 Gbit/s polarization multiplexed NRZ-QPSK over 2000 km of standard installed fiber with no optical dispersion compensation." 11¡ã Convegno nazionale sulle tecniche fotoniche nelle telecomunicazioni. Fotonica. (2009).

Pierluigi Poggiolini, Vittorio Curri, Andrea Carena. "Non-Linear Propagation Limits and Optimal Dispersion Map for 222 Gbit/s WDM Coherent PM-16QAM transmission." Proceedings of the European Conference on Optical Communications (2009): 1-2.

Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Gabriella Bosco. "Electronic distortion compensation in the mitigation of optical transmission impairments: the view of joint project on mitigation of optical transmission impairments by electronic means ePhoton/One+ project." IET Optoelectronics, Vol. 3 (2009): 73-85.

Andrea Carena, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Vittorio Curri. "Guard-band for 111 Gbit/s coherent PM-QPSK channels on legacy fiber links carrying 10 Gbit/s IMDD channels." Optical Fiber Communication Conference (2009): 1-3.

Andrea Carena, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Vittorio Curri. "111 Gbit/s coherent PM-QPSK on fiber links carrying 10 Gbit/s IMDD: guard-band and power unbalancing requirements to mitigate non-linear penalty." 11¡ã Convegno nazionale sulle tecniche fotoniche nelle telecomunicazioni. Fotonica. (2009): 1-4.

Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini. "Evaluation of the computational effort for chromatic dispersion compensation in coherent optical PM-OFDM and PM-QAM systems." Optics Express, Vol. 17 (2009): 1385-1403.

Andrea Carena, Gabriella Bosco, Valerio Miot, Giancarlo Gavioli, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Enrico Torrengo, Vittorio Curri. "100 Gbit/s WDM NRZ PM-QPSK long-haul transmission experiment over installed fiber probing non-linear reach with and without DCUs." 35th European Conference on Optical Communication (2009): 1-2.


Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini. "Optimization of Branch Metric Exponent and Quantization Range in MLSE Receivers forDuobinary Systems." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 20 (2008): 924-926.

Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri. "Simultaneous optimisation of filter bandwidths and interferometer free spectral range for DPSK and DQPSKmodulation." IET Optoelectronics, Vol. 4 (2008): 143-147.

Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini. "Dynamic Range of Single-Ended Detection Receiversfor 100GE Coherent PM-QPSK." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 20 (2008): 1281-1283.

Gabriella Bosco, Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini. "Fundamental Performance Limits of Optical Duobinary." Optics Express, Vol. 16, Nov. 12, 2008 (2008): 19600-19614.

Andrea Carena, Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini. "Optical vs. electronic chromatic dispersion compensation in WDM coherent PM-QPSK systems at 111 Gbit/s." Optical Fiber Communications Conference, OFC 2008, Vol. , Paper JThA57 (2008): 1-3.

Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Andrea Carena. "Dispersion Compensation and Mitigation of Nonlinear Effects in 111-Gb/s WDMCoherent PM-QPSK Systems." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 20 (2008): 1473-1475.


GLORIA BOGLIOLO, Vittorio Curri, Marco Mellia. "Considering Transmission Impairments in RWA Problem: Greedy and Metahuristic 91³Ô¹ÏÍø." OFC/NFOEC Proceedings (2007).

Gabriella Bosco, Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini. "Joint Effect of MLSE and Receiver Filters Optimization on Dispersion Robustness of IMDD, DPSK, DQPSK, and Duobinary Modulation." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 19 (2007): 2003-2005.

Jigesh K. Patel, Dwight Richards, Enrico Ghillino, Pablo V. Mena, Anil Panicker, Zhengyu Huang, "," Proc. SPIE 6783, Optical Transmission, Switching, and Subsystems V, 67830U (19 November 2007).


P. Vorreau, A. Marculescu, J. Wang et al. "Cascadability and Regenerative Properties of SOA All-Optical DPSK Wavelength Converters." IEEE Photonics Technology Letters. Vol. 18 No. 18, 15 September, 2006.


Vittorio Curri, Marco Mellia. "Considering transmission impairments in configuring wavelength routed optical networks." Optical Fiber Communication Conference and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (2006).

Vittorio Curri, Pierluigi Poggiolini, Roberto Gaudino. "Limits of maximum-likelihood sequence estimation in chromatic dispersion limited systems." Optical Fiber Communication Conference and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference (2006).

Zhengyu Huang, Enrico Ghillino, Pablo V. Mena, Anil Panicker, "," Proc. SPIE 6390, Broadband Access Communication Technologies, 63900C (2 October 2006).