module DW_sqrt_func (radicand, square_root_uns, square_root_tc); parameter radicand_width = 8; input [radicand_width-1 : 0] radicand; output [(radicand_width+1)/2-1 : 0] square_root_uns; output [(radicand_width+1)/2-1 : 0] square_root_tc; // pass the "func_width" parameter to the inference functions parameter width = radicand_width; // Please add search_path = search_path + {synopsys_root + "/dw/sim_ver"} // to your .synopsys_dc.setup file (for synthesis) and add // +incdir+$SYNOPSYS/dw/sim_ver+ to your verilog simulator command line // (for simulation). `include "" // function calls for unsigned/signed square root assign square_root_uns = DWF_sqrt_uns (radicand); assign square_root_tc = DWF_sqrt_tc (radicand); endmodule